Paga – you can actually sit on the crocodiles

Yes it’s true you can indeed sit on the crocodiles here.

The Paga legend

There seems to be several legends related to the crocodiles. This is the one I was told. Back in the 18th century ago there was a chief who had 3 sons and he had to select who would succeed him. The two older ones knew that his favourite was the younger son and this enraged them. One day seeing him by the river they decided to pursue him on the assumption he had no escape except to jump into the crocodile infested water. This is exactly what he did. He grabbed onto the tail of a crocodile and he was carried to the other side of the bank. The brothers were incensed with his audacity and fearlessness. So not only did he become the new chief he was the founder of the village. Since then the villagers that live by these ponds see the crocodiles as sacred creature.

Today people come here not only to see, probably the only tame crocodiles in the world, but also to sit on one. It’s a bit hard to swallow but this is how it happens. The guide will coax a crocodile out of the river usually with a chicken. I was fearful that the croc would then be thrown the chicken but thankfully this is not what happens. Once the croc emerges the man with the chicken leaves with it. Whatever its fate afterwards does not bear thinking about. At this point you will be asked to step aside and only when the croc is well in front will you be allowed to approach it.

Hard to believe but once the crocodile is in front of you, you can not only approach it but even lift up its tail

Paga is 45 kms from Bolatanga and not far from the border with Burkina Fasso. There are about 90 crocodiles here of the west African variety. There has never been an incident in all the years this rather quirky attraction has been operating. Btw these crocs are never killed.

Tinyteddy’s feedback: Get real! You will notice there is not a single pic of me. I refused to budge from my little box despite plenty of cajoling. Croc’s and ted’s are not a match made in heaven”