Wli Waterfalls – Highest in Ghana

The Wli waterfalls are not only the highest in Ghana they are the highest in West Africa. Here again they are located near the town of HoHoe. There is no direct bus route here from Accra so I included it on an overnight tour together with the weaving and monkey sanctuary.

The falls cascade for an impressive 143 meters. To reach the lower falls is an adventure in itself. The walk will take you through a very scenic semi-deciduous forest and crosses over 9 bridges built over the Agamusta river.

The walk will take about 30-40 minutes and by anyone’s standards is pretty easy. .You can opt for a more strenuous walk to the upper falls which will take about 2 hours. I didn’t have the option due to flooding, making the climb both slippery and dangerous. .

When you get close to the lower falls you will easily hear the thunder of the water. The lower falls cascade from a steep cliff for about 60 meters.

It’s traditional to take a swim at the falls but I had to give this a miss on account of not having a bathing suit. Ultimately it didn’t make much difference as the flooding had created huge sprays of water and I got soaked anyway. Along the way to the falls you may come across bats, colorful butterflies and even snakes.

Tinyteddy’s feedback: “Ok we had a bit of a debate here about whether I would get to see these lovely falls but in the end I don’t react well to water so this was about as good as it got for me”

“However that was before some fool (no names mentioned) thought it was highly amusing to pose me next to these bottle openers at the gift shop and don’t tell me you can’t figure it out.”