Akasombo Dam – An electric Powerhouse

This huge Hydroelectric powerhouse is situated in the Volta region of Ghana and supplies electricity to Benin, Togo and Burkino Fassa.

Construction begun in 1961 after an Italian company Impregilo won the contract. It was completed in 1965. It stands at a height of 374 meters with a base width of 366 meters. You can visit the dam as a day trip from Accra which I did.

interior of the old turbine

There is as you would expect huge security here. There are loads of technical information and history attached to this massive dam which is too complicated for me to get into (such is my limited technical knowledge) so I am attaching a link so you can delve into further details.Click here

I would say however this is well worth a visit and combined with a visit to the Shia Hills it was a great day out. I used Jolanika tours who yet again were superb. (My guide for the day was Fofo who was also excellent.) Details here