How to get into Burkina Fasso without a visa

In principle you need a visa to get into Burkina Fasso but with a little persuasion on both sides of the border they will let you in. Citizens of Ghana can freely enter so Ganu my guide and our driver were simply able to cross the border with no questions asked. So this is how it works. Firstly I have two passports so when I arrived on the Ghanaian side they simply took one of the passports and let me through. Fifty meters later we arrived at the border control in Burkina Fasso and with some good French and handing over passport #2 we were allowed in.

In fairness its a bit of an anticlimax as there is not much to see except a row of shops and a couple of eateries. A little further there was a car park and that was basically it. If you want to buy something they will take Ghanaian cedi’s.

We spent about 20 minutes here and then retrieved our passports and went on our way. Sadly Burkina Fasso is not the peaceful country it once was as insurgents from neighbouring countries have now inflitrated and most governments will warn you off visiting.

Still as far as I am concerned I have been to Burkina Fasso.

Tinyteddy’s feedback: ‘This was such a flying visit i got completely forgotten. :-(. Still as far as i am concerned I went to Burkina Fasso too”