Kumasi Zoo – The camel enjoyed a joke!

I’m not big on Zoos and I know plenty of people have moral issues with them but i stumbled upon this one on my way from the cultural center.

After being assured the animals were well kept I paid a small fee and went in.

The zoo is not huge and there is not a huge selection of animals. The big sign near the entrance is reassuring.

The biggest attraction were definitely the very lively chimps. It’s not an animal I have much affinity too but the cages were large, well kept and they looked well fed.

I attracted a crowd of youngsters who kept dropping hints and thought I was going to treat them all to something. Sorry!

All in all as far as zoos go this is not too bad and the camel seemed to enjoy a good joke!

Tingteddy’s feedback: “Are you kidding. A very rare tinyteddy such as I would have been snapped up in an instant. I stayed well hidden for the duration thank you very much. I did hear the camel though – What a joker he turned out to be”

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