Lagos – The Sunday people

I call them that because it was a Sunday morning and I basically had nothing to do so I braved a stroll. I took what I saw as safe route and was greatly rewarded.

The sign was definitely reassuring.

Let me make a brief point about religion in Nigeria. The country is basically split 50/50 between Muslim and Christians with both groups living harmoniously together. So as you would expect being a Sunday it wasn’t long before I came across a church group in what looked like a small hall. Attracted by the noise I proceeded to investigate. Well it wasn’t long before a rather thrilled group of people quite literally dragged me into the church as an honoured guest. It turned out to be a rewarding experience less from a religious point of view but from the incredible warmth of the friendly people,  

So having been given a prominent seat and among much clapping and hallelujas the pastor asked if there was anyone new in the congregation, so all eyes turned to me. This lead to more hallelujas and plenty of handshakes as I was basically pushed to my feet. I wasn’t sure how long I should stay so after the band played yet another rousing song and much to peoples disappointment I made my excuses and left.

Actually the pastor and I are still in touch.

Tinyteddy missed the experience as he had decided to have a lie in,