Nike Art Gallery – Here’s looking at you
And there is plenty to look at here. In a city not easily recognized for its tourist attractions and even less so for its art culture the Nike (pronounced Neekay) Art Gallery stands supreme. For starters you have its charismatic owner Nike Okundaye who founded this fabulous gallery.

We were not only lucky to find her in the gallery shop but we were also invited for tea. The gallery takes up four floors bursting with artwork and sculptures from local Nigerian artists.

The gallery has a staggering 7000 pieces of artwork/sculptures and fabrics really showcasing the diversity of Nigerian art and culture.

The gallery holds cultural activities which unfortunately we didn’t have time for. You can take advantage of the nearby guest house owned by the gallery and take part in the many traditional workshops like making batik, beads, painting or carving among some of the activities on offer. The guesthouse on its own is well worth a nights splurge.

We ended our visit with a bit of fun. Based on Michael and Angela of 90 day fiance fame we decided to play our own version. Nike lined up some suitable suitors for me with the prize being a UK passport. Check out some of the good looking young guys dancing for the opportunity to be my fiance. Still waiting….

Tinyteddy’s feedback: This was my first visit to an art gallery. The artwork was amazing and I got pretty involved as you can see.

However the highlight was spending time with Nike. We really bonded over my favorite beverage; a nice cup of tea.