Lake Bosumtwi – Love is fickle

This is the only natural lake in Ghana. Considered sacred by the local Ashantis. By tradition the souls of the dead come here to say goodbye to Asase Ya who they consider to be the mother of fertility.

Another strange custom it that it is only permissible to fish in the lake from wooden planks. Btw they have fried fish stools everywhere. mostly tilapia and they are cheap and delicious if you want a nice snack.

The lake is about 30km from Kumasi. It is set in a crater and measures about 10.5 kms in diameter Be warned that there is a small hut next to the lake who will give you some information about it and then ask for a donation.

We heard afterwards that they put the money straight in their pocket. Just saying you should bear that in mind and not be over generous. The lake is very popular with the locals who come here in hordes at the weekends.I got stranded with someone claiming to be a guide who would supposedly give me a tour of a local village.

One shouldn’t fall for it but what can you do he literally attached himself to me. We did walk to a village but most of the conversation seemed to be about coming to live with me in England. I gave him 20 cedi at the end and he raced off with it seemingly forgetting about his undying love for me. Just goes to show how fickle love can be.

I came here with Zaide who was a great companion. Incidentally she went horse riding which is just one of the many activities on offer on or near the lake. We used an Uber driver and ended up making a deal with him to take us, wait for an hour and bring us back. The hour turned into about 3 so we paid him 200 cedi (100 each) which is about $40.

Tinyteddys’s feedback; “I couldn’t be bothered with the village walk. Been there done that so I made some super friends at the lake and basically hung out. Isn’t she gorgeous”

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