Nigeria Quick facts

Federal Republic of Nigeria 

national flage of Nigeria

Brief Overview 2019 

Coat of arms of Nigeria

Capital: Abuja
Area: 923,768km2
Land Borders with: Niger, Chad, Cameroon and Benin
Capital: Abuja Area: 923,768km2
Land Borders with: Niger, Chad, Cameroon and Benin
Population: 200,962,417
Official Language: English
Anthem: Arise O Compatriots
Climate Nigeria has a tropical climate with variable rainy and dry seasons
Terrain: Nigeria has several different terrains. lowlands in the south, mountains in the southeast, central hills and plateaux, and plains in the north.
Currency: Naira
Colonized by: Great Britain
Independence:  Ist October, 1960
Main Religion; Split almost equally between Muslim and Chritianity
Government: :Federal presidential constitutional republic  
President:  Muhammadu Buhari 
Literary Rate: 59.6 % (2015 figure)
National Airline: Air Nigeria:
International dialing code: +234
Largest::: Lagos is the largest city in Africa  

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