Dark Tourism

Rwanda Genocide – A story of survival

This was one of the most brutal Genocides in history. Several factors were responsible. Our guide told us that one of the most defining was during the Belgian colonization, when the different tribes, who were either Tutsi or Hutu were […]


How to get into Burkina Fasso without a visa

In principle you need a visa to get into Burkina Fasso but with a little persuasion on both sides of the border they will let you in. Citizens of Ghana can freely enter so Ganu my guide and our driver […]

Dark Tourism

Anders Behring Breivik – 22nd July 1997 (Norway)

Its almost beyond belief in this peaceful land of trolls and fjords such a person and such an horrendous event was going to take place, but Brevik who was a far fight terrorist, was only getting started. On the day […]

Dark Tourism

9/11, 2001

A date that conjures up the horror that took place on that beautiful sunny day in NYC. I had the good fortune if that’s what you want to call it. to be in NY the same week this excellent museum […]


Paga – you can actually sit on the crocodiles

Yes it’s true you can indeed sit on the crocodiles here. The Paga legend There seems to be several legends related to the crocodiles. This is the one I was told. Back in the 18th century ago there was a […]


Karimenga village – Herbs and the Fulani

Karimnga village where I stayed is absolutely charming. If you walk around you will be rewarded with friendly faces, rustic charm and the occassional cheeky little chappy. You will find people just doing everyday things. Hanging out! Collecting water Grinding […]


I stayed at the Green House Lodge

At least I did stay here once I had climbed over the wall which is apparently a tradition. This place absolutely oozes charm. It’s an Eco lodge, solar powered and fairly rustic. Don’t expect state of the art facilities but […]

Dark Tourism

Security Prison 21 – S21 (Cambodia)

Security Prison 21 started life as Chao Ponhea Yat High School. In August 1975 four months after the Khmer Rouge came to power in Cambodia. The school was converted into a prison, called Security prison 21. It would have the […]

Dark Tourism

Hiroshima – 0815am August 6th, 1945 (Japan)

In the early hours of August 6, 1945, Colonel Paul Tibbets and his crew set off from Tinian Island in the West Pacific. Piloting the Enola Gay (named after his mother), they were heading for Japan On board they carried a […]