Lalibela – Treks – join me if you got the patience.

I spent 3 days in Lalibela. It is considered one of Ethiopia’s holiest cities, sitting at an altitude of 2500 meters,(making it free of malaria) and 645 kms north of Addis. The city is famous for its ancient churches and it proximity to the Ethiopian highlands which is great for trekking.

If you have the patience you can join me as I trekked uphill for 7 painful hours to be rewarded with one of the best views in Ethiopia. Some people find it easier than others.

Witness special ceremonies at the Asheten Mariam monastery.

Sadly be prepared for the poverty.

And scarlet chested gelada monkey’s

And that view

I did my trek using Mollaw who is fabulous and I even had the pleasure of meeting up with him again briefly in Addis. His agency offers some fabulous trips in this area. Click here for more details. He also arranged my tour to the churches.

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